Bio Diesel Coco Perlite
The Growers' choice!
A mixture of 30% crushed volcanic perlite and 70% premium coco. Smaller, crushed perlite produces a special media composition that holds a lot of water and air while preserving a tighter structure for a very forgiving, quick-growing medium that doesn't cause root rot and quickly flushes.
It has never been compacted to create this superior coco substrate. Since its structure is still quite coarse, it has better air retention capabilities.
Suitable for Hydroponic use
Bio Diesel has partnered with a global leader in organic coco fibre production, Simply Organics Spain. Since 2003, Simply Organics Spain has been committed to offering expert growth mediums.
In India, away from the shore, in a salt-free environment, Simply Organics' production facilities ensure low EC levels and are cleansed with fresh water to preserve the natural Trichoderma.
In place of the outdated Dutch RHP certification, Bio Diesel Coco products are backed by the highly regarded KO GURANTEE, which guarantees that they are salt-free, sustainable, and environmentally beneficial.
To give your plants the best possible start, Bio Diesel Coco is "Double cleaned" and primed with a unique calcium and magnesium buffer.
Washed And Buffered With Ca and Mg and Trichoderma To the Highest Quality.
Trichoderma species stimulates plant growth while limiting plant pathogen growth.
Trichoderma species are efficient biofungicides because they compete with pathogenic fungus for resources and space, enzymatically break down other fungi, and produce anti-microbial chemicals that kill them.