Athena Pro Line Grow
Athena Pro Grow is a balanced soluble fertiliser combination designed for commercial planters to simplify irrigation. For a thorough and well-rounded formula, combine with Athena Pro Core.
For the establishment of robust roots and lush foliage during the vegetative growth stage, a balanced diet is necessary.
Benefits of Athena Pro Line Grow
NPK balance and necessary microelements (when used with Pro Core)
Dry fertiliser that is fully soluble and has no particles or silt
Suitable for use with any dosing system Dosatron, Rhythm, and Netaflex
Complete mixing occurs at room temperature.
low level of heavy metal
How to Use Athena Pro Line Grow
Ideal for mixing stock tanks and compatible with all dosing systems. This large-grind mix is 100% soluble and will not clog irrigation systems or leave sediment in reservoirs.
Mixing Instructions
Always use in combination with Athena Pro Core.
Measure by weight, not volume.
Do not combine in dry or concentrate forms.
Stock Tank: Mix at most 2.5 lbs per 1 gallon water, agitate well until dissolved. Dose at a rate according to desired solution strength.
Reservoir: For every 1 gram of Pro Grow use 0.6 grams of Pro Core. See dosing chart for target EC mix rates.